What is Black Chain Technology

What is Black Chain Technology?

Black Chain Technology
Black Chain Technology

Blackchain is a technology used to store digital currencies as well as to record transactions with them.
Changing or hacking is almost impossible. This is because it copies every transaction registered in this blockchain system and all that is connected to that network.Distributed to computers or other electronic machines.Black chain technology is safest technology. 

What is digital currency

The Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) is the digital form of traditional paper currency. These transactions are regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) but the terms and conditions have yet to be finalized.

The central bank’s digital currency is inspired by bitcoin but is no different

The inspiration is bitcoin but not a decentralized currency like cryptocurrencies. Cryptos have no legal validity. But transactions with CBDC official currency are legal.
CBDCs can be exchanged for cash equivalent. With the introduction of digital currency, more stable, efficient, reliable, regulated, authorized opportunity for payments
Experts are of the opinion that it will be available. However, in addition to the benefits, there are also risks such as hacking into the digital currencies in the wallet.

Digital currency is everywhere

Digital currency exists not only in India but in a few other countries as well. In October 2021, Nigeria launched ‘Inira’. Five in the eastern Caribbean, including the Bahamas
Similar CBDC currencies were introduced on other islands as well. The US, Europe and China are also experimenting with digital currencies. Yuan in China,
Digital currencies such as the digital dollar in the US and the digital euro in Europe are legal tender.

What is Digital Rupee?

Digital rupee or digital currency means legal tender. In digital form recognized by governments and in circulation by the Reserve Bank Law cash available. This means that these transactions take place within any bank controlled network.

What is cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency is an invisible currency built on a black chain. This is not to say that cryptocurrency control is in their hands. Since there is also no specified system cryptocurrency regulators that make transactions. Hence there can never be stability in their value. The scams are even more so as he is not even accountable.

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