What is sound waves
The maximum speed of sound in the air is 30 degrees Celsius. The standard for sound is decibels. An audio meter is used to measure the speed of sound. Sound waves
Can not travel in a vacuum.
What is frequency
Frequency is the number of vibrations an object makes in a second. The own frequency that each system has is called the natural frequency.
What is Vibration?
Vibrations are the movement of an object back and forth. Vibration of an object under the influence of external periodic child vibrations is called forced oscillations. Object
When it vibrates, it vibrates the layer of air molecules around it back and forth.
What is a compressor?
When an object moves to one side the layers of air molecules near it are pushed closer. Hence the increase in air density there is called compression.
What is fingering
As the object moves toward the other side, a space is formed in front of it and the layers of air expand. Hence the concentration of air is diluted which is called dilution.
When the object is fingered, a compressor for each vibration, a fingertip, is formed and moves forward in the yanak. A fingering, one with a compressor
A sound wave is formed.
Where and how the speed of sound is the speed of sound in the air is 331 meters per second. The speed of sound in water is 1435 meters per second. The speed of sound in the gazebo is 5500 meters per second. In the way of transmitting sound waves if the object falls horizontally, the waves are reflected back and forth.
This is called every sound. If two sounds reach our ear at a dream interval of more than 1/15 second
Man can hear two sounds coming like that.
We must be at least 11 or more meters away from the reflection plane to hear these two sounds. Plywood, metal sheets for sound transformation
The noise level created by the green grass moving in the wind on the lawn is 0 decibels. The noise level we normally talk about is 50-60 decibels will be. The noise of the wall clock is 30 decibels. Sound intensity is measured in decibels. A person is more than 80 decibels for a long time hearing the sound can cause deafness.
If the volume of the sound is more than 120 decibels then the noise can not be tolerated and pain arises in the ear. Distinguishing between squeaky and hoarse voices is called the pitch.
The farther away from the generator the louder the noise intensity at that location. The noise level we can not hear is 0 decibels. Where the sound pressure is square
There are 0 .0002 dines per centimeter. Vibrating objects produce sounds. Sound is a form of mechanical energy. Sound from one place to another
It requires any amount of air, liquid, or gas to travel.
The speed of sound is lower in liquids than in solids. Less in gaseous substances than in liquids. Sound waves they travel
What is caused in yanakam is compression, dilution. Musical tones are sounds that are systematic, rhythmic, and pleasant to hear.
Katora sounds are sounds that are irregular, that come out without a pattern and are not pleasant to hear.